MongoDB Administration
Il corso tratterà tutti gli argomenti necessari per ricoprire il ruolo di amministratore di Database MongoDB per la distribuzione e la gestione del sistema.
Database Administrator e sviluppatori
Conoscenze di modello ER, modellazione oggetti Javascript (Jason)
Programma Corso
MongoDB Architectural Overview
- Working with the MongoDB Shell
- Single-server Configuration and Deployment
- Security
- Indexing and Query Optimization
- Introduction to drivers (Java/Python/Ruby/PHP/Perl)
- Intro to Read and Write scalability
- Replication and Durability
Overview of MongoDB Enterprise Server Features and Architecture
- Setting up MongoDB Ops Manager
- Server and Infrastructure Provisioning
- Managing the Network
- Diagnosing the System
- Deploying to Production
- Monitoring and Performance Alerts
- Performance Tuning
- Query Optimization
- Backup and Recovery
- Disaster Recovery
- Advanced Security
- Patching the System
- Scaling MongoDB
- Auto-Sharding
- Choosing a shard key
- Backup and Restore Plans