Azure Data Analytics

Azure Data Analytics

  • Codice
  • Prezzo
    800,00 €
  • Durata
    2 gg


The Cloud has become an essential component of modern data architectures. The goal of this course is to provide basics knowledge of the Cloud and its Microsoft (Azure) implementation to facilitate first resources creation on it. After a first overview, where you will provide the basic information to understand and connect to the cloud, the course will develop along a predominantly practical path. Through tutorials and demos, students will create some resources in order to feel the potentiality and ease of use of the Azure cloud.


Data Scientist, Data Analyst, Data Engineer



Programma Corso

Modulo 1:


  • Microsoft Cloud Microsoft, subscription and tenants concepts
  • IAAS, PAAS and SAAS services,Architecture and geographic distribution
  • Portal access (, Resource Group, Azure Active Directory, Users, Enable Access,Resources overview, Storage Account,
  • Create a Blob Storage and File Share and how to use it,
  • Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, Virtual Machine, Creating a VM, Sql Azure Data Base, Creating a SQL Azure Database, Sizing & DTU, Differences between a SQL Server database on-premise and on-cloud, Monitoring, Backup Restore, creating Bpac file, Hints of Polybase

Modulo 2:

Azure Infrastructure:

  • Management through Power Shell
  • Management by API,Power Shell configuration to manage Azure, Azure cmdlets, Examples of creation and management of VM, Blob, SQL Azure Database,  Resources for Ingestion & Orchestration,Event HUB,Stream Analytics, Data Factory, Azure Function,
  • Azure Automation, The Azure Automation object, Job creation and scheduling
  • Examples of VM power-on and shutdown and T-SQL code execution to a SQL Azure Database